Bring Christmas cheer to your coop with charming Christmas decorations- in this article. You’ll learn 10 of my best tips for decorating a chicken coop for Christmas!
When most of us start decorating for Christmas, we usually decorate typical things: putting up a Christmas tree, placing a wreath on the door, and perhaps putting outdoor lights on our house. But the chicken coop in your yard can be a fun spot to add cheer and Christmas decorations too!
As Americans rediscover backyard chickens and maintaining chicken coops, we increasingly enjoy the aesthetic of the small house in our backyard. These houses for our feathered pets become extensions of our home. Many coops take forms that emulate or match a home’s style and landscape. It only makes sense, then, that extending Christmas decorations to your coop can be another way to enjoy caring for chickens in winter.
Good Old Fashioned Holiday Fun
Decorating a chicken coop for Christmas might sound like the silliest thing ever. But when it comes to Christmas decorations, extravagance is half the fun! What makes Christmas magical is doing things we wouldn’t normally spend our effort on – like decorating a tree or baking extravagant desserts. There’s something about this special time of year. Holiday cheer makes something so over-the-top as decorating a chicken coop for Christmas seem less silly. It may sound like a appropriate and fun way to celebrate the season.
Picking a style for your chicken coop Christmas decorations
There are so many fun ways to decorate a Christmas a chicken coop for Christmas. Whether you go for traditional multicolored Christmas lights along the roof and gutters of your chicken coop or choose a more modern decorating scheme like bright white icicle lights, it doesn’t take much effort to make your chicken coop the talk of the town. If you are in a neighborhood or area where your chicken coop is visible to your neighbors, your Christmas decorated chicken coop will draw attention and bring delight to people who notice it. Who knows, it may even win you a coveted neighborhood award for best Christmas decorations!
I have always included Hawk Hill’s barns, coop, and outbuildings in my outdoor Christmas decorations. Outfitting extra buildings like chicken coops and stables can be an added expense. However, making your own wreaths, and buying decorations off-season are great ways to grow your coop’s Christmas decorations on a budget. Below you can see some of how I decorated my entire farm for Christmas.
You can read about my Horse Christmas decorations on another post, but today I wanted to write a quick note about decorating chicken coops. Chicken coops are great spots for unexpected Christmas decorations.
For my coop, I hang a tiny wreath on the human door to the coop. This miniature wreath is made with artificial boxwood. You could easily make one similar with fresh greenery and a little bit of floral wire. The fun thing about making small decorations is that they make it easy to experiment. Unlike a large wreath on your front door that will welcome visitors off-season, decorations on the coop probably don’t need to look professional up close.
On the side of the coop that faces the roundabout driveway, I place a full-size wreath- which looks extra-big because of the sloped style of my vintage coop.
Some years, I take these flower planters I made from shipping crates and use them for Christmas decorations. First, I clear out the debris of fall plantings. Then, I place fresh-cut Evergreen boughs- cut from the hedgerow at the property line of hawk hill- inside. I partially bury the cut ends in the dirt. The evergreen boughs stay fresh for weeks because they are kept damp by winter weather. I’m still looking for some large, durable, outdoor Christmas ornament decorations to add to the Evergreen boughs in my flower planters.
Decorating a chicken coop for other holidays.
While I personally only decorate my chicken coop for Christmas (and of course, outfit it with planters and hanging baskets for each spring) you can decorate your chicken coop for many different holidays. Consider this: a haunted house haunted chicken coop adventure for neighborhood kids.
If your chicken coop is currently inhabited by chickens, your Halloween holiday decorations for a chicken coop may be limited to the exterior. If you have an old chicken coop or a sturdy old building on your property that used to be a chicken coop, it can make the perfect tiny house haunted house.
Why go all-out with an expensive (and often cheaply made) makeshift haunted house when you can convert your existing old chicken coop? The small building ca be converted into a scream-inducing tiny haunted house for a fraction of the cost.
If you don’t currently use your chicken coop for other purposes, you can keep your chicken coop haunted house undisturbed through the rest of the year – when you return to prepare for next year’s Halloween, you’ll just have some authentic cobwebs added!
Decorating a chicken coop for Christmas might sound ridiculous. But so is chicken- sweater knitting, colored egg collecting, building chicken grazing boxes, making astroturf nest liners, and other regular practices of keeping chickens. For many of us, looking ridiculous is half the fun of keeping chickens!