St. Louis is a city filled with historic neighborhoods. While I've grown used to cities and towns where the historic…

In 2015 I took the plunge, downsizing to a tiny house to adapt to a new adventure. As I started…

While most plastic totes aren't designed to be locked, I experimented until I found a way to lock any plastic…

When people imagine living in a tiny house, often the initial vision of the experience skips over the minutia of…

Art supply storage that is organized, stylish, and practical can be a challenge. Hiding art supplies in stylish bins and…

YES, this simple solution for keeping make-up wet wipes moist works perfectly for making sure your hand sanitizing wipes don't…

As I mentioned in my bedroom drawer divider post, spring means an attack on chaos at Hawk Hill. This year,…

Some people dive into deep cleaning every spring, but for me, spring fever hits as an irrepressible urge to organize!…